30 Tips for Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviors
30 Tips For Supporting Students With Challenging Behaviors
1. Stay Calm
2. Work as a Team to Problem Solve and Create a Safety Plan (You are Not Alone!)
3. Be Proactive
4. Lead with Empathy
5. Document and Keep Good Data (Before, During and After)
6. Do Not Take Things Personally (It is Not About You)
7. Focus on and Reinforce the Positives
8. Create a Safe and Quiet Space in the Room and Also a Buddy Classroom
9. Teach Social Skills
10. Identify the Captain of the Team (Critical Friend) to Build Relationships, Daily Check-in/out
11. Use Fewer Words
12. Include Stakeholders and Students in Creation of a Plan
13. Incorporate Daily Movement and Mindfulness Activities
14. Practice Self-care
15. Out of the Box Thinking
16. Keep Adding Tools to Your Toolbox
17. Monitor Progress and Modify Plan as Needed
18. Clear and Concise Rules and Expectations
19. Plan for Regular and Frequent Breaks
20. Plan for Transitions and Changes in Schedules/Routines
21. Focus on Behavior Not the Student
22. Listen and Look for Triggers
23. Help Identify and Implement Replacement Behaviors
24. Build the Bank Account with Student and Family with Positive Interactions
25. Involve Therapy and Mental Health Resources
26. Build Hope for the Future
27. Give More Responsibility than What is Deserved
28. Clean Slate for You and the Student Each Day
29. Provide Opportunities for Student to Repair Any Damage (Restorative Approach)
30. Celebrate Successes
Pearlman, B. (2019). Whatever it takes for all students to succeed in school and life. St. Louis: Amazon/KDP.